Publication scheme

Please see recent Freedom of Information responses below. Due to the volume published, there is a search function to enable ease of access. Additionally, information that is frequently requested is also published below. 

Thumbnail Title
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folder icon FOI 101 to 200
folder icon FOI 201 - 300
folder icon FOI 301 - 400
folder icon FOI 401 - 500
folder icon FOI 501 - 600
folder icon FOI 601 - 700

Context Date Response
Dermatology Services 09.11.2021 441/2021
Food Stocks 09.11.2021 509/2021
NHS Accessible Information Standard (AIS)  09.11.2021 518/2021
Facilities Management Salaries  09.11.2021 532/2021
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Lupus Nephritis  09.11.2021 550/2021
Agency Spend  09.11.2021 558/2021
Covid Children 09.11.2021 576/2021
Gamma cameras and SPECT-CT systems  09.11.2021 587/2021
Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) 09.11.2021 590/2021
Theatre Management System  09.11.2021 591/2021
Biologic Medications in Gastroenterology 09.11.2021 594/2021
Inbound Call, Telephony and Email Management  09.11.2021 595/2021
Agency Doctors 09.11.2021 596/2021
Patient Communication 09.11.2021 602/2021
Births 09.11.2021 609/2021
CCTV 09.11.2021 616/2021
Physical assaults against NHS Staff 09.11.2021 617/2021
sexual assault 21.10.2021 325/2021
Active beds 21.10.2021 428/2021
Obese/bariatric patients 21.10.2021 548/2021
Botulinum Toxin treatment 21.10.2021 556/2021
Private insourcing 21.10.2021 572/2021
Agency spend 21.10.2021 588/2021
Paediatric service 21.10.2021 593/2021
Security mechanical restraint 21.10.2021 597/2021
Medical Locums 13.10.2021 232/2021
Agency Doctors Supplier 13.10.2021 259/2021
Child protection referrals 13.10.2021 422/2021
Reimbursement for mental health inpatient services 13.10.2021 430/2021
IT Disposal 13.10.2021 449/2021
Software contracts 13.10.2021 470/2021
Off-framework agency spend 13.10.2021 479/2021
Printing services 13.10.2021 496/2021
COVID PCR 13.10.2021 503/2021
Patient numbers ED 13.10.2021 511/2021
Miscarriages 13.10.2021 513/2021
Orthotic and prosthetic service 13.10.2021 523/2021
COVID deaths 13.10.2021 564/2021
EPR Systems 13.10.2021 573/2021
Mouth cancer referrals 13.10.2021 578/2021
ED for eating disorders 7.10.2021 288/2021
CAMHS Service 7.10.2021 424/2021
Neighbouring Trust referrals for elective C-sections 7.10.2021 512/2021
Dermatology and rheumatology Bio meds 7.10.2021 517/2021
Ransomware incidents 7.10.2021 522/2021
Unlicensed medicine 7.10.2021 541/2021
Gastroenterology and Crohn's disease treatment 7.10.2021 544/2021
PAS or EPR systems 7.10.2021 546/2021
MSK / Physio services 7.10.2021 549/2021
Immunoglobulin treatments 7.10.2021 551/2021
PET-CT for prostate cancer 7.10.2021 559/2021
Digital dictation / Speech recognition 7.10.2021 560/2021
SELR (Structured English Language Reference) 7.10.2021 562/2021
Cleaning and Food contracts 7.10.2021 563/2021
Patient Level Information Costing system 7.10.2021 577/2021
Anti-VEGF treatments 7.10.2021 579/2021
Weighing devices, EPR and monitors 14.9.2021 108/2021
Candida Auris 14.9.2021 483/2021
Cervical dystonia and neuromuscular dysfunction 14.9.2021 484/2021
Admisions to RHCH 14.9.2021 489/2021
Trust Values 14.9.2021 490/2021
Overseas patients 14.9.2021 492/2021
Off-framework agency 14.9.2021 494/2021
Payments made to charities 14.9.2021 499/2021
Immune Thrombocytopenia Treatment 14.9.2021 504/2021
Waste disposal - overseas 14.9.2021 510/2021
Management of CKD 14.9.2021 515/2021
Software for feedback and appraisals 14.9.2021 516/2021
Medications 14.9.2021 519/2021
Biologic Products in respiratory 14.9.2021 525/2021
Information Asset Owner 14.9.2021 534/2021
Insourcing NHS subcontract 10.9.2021 201/2021
Electronic signing tool 10.9.2021 279/2021
IT Devices and cyber security 10.9.2021 334/2021
Cataract surgery 10.9.2021 338/2021
Needles and Syringes - 164 10.9.2021 340/2021
Facilities Management - 006 and 337 10.9.2021 353/2021
Cancelled operations 10.9.2021 367/2021
Off framework agencies 10.9.2021 419/2021
Off framework agency spend 10.9.2021 433/2021
Admissions with COVID vaccines 10.9.2021 448/2021
Bitten or struck by a dog 10.9.2021 452/2021
Technology budget 10.9.2021 461/2021
LGBTQ+ Pride 10.9.2021 466/2021
Locum agency doctor, nursing, AHP, nonclinical spend 10.9.2021 471/2021
AI software in radiology 10.9.2021 472/2021
Cyanide toxicity in blood 18.8.2021 024/2021
COVID deaths 18.8.2021 397/2021
IT Solution 18.8.2021 445/2021
COVID vaccinations 18.8.2021 446/2021
COVID Vaccine deaths 18.8.2021 453/2021
Miscarriages 18.8.2021 460/2021
Registered Audits and Sustainability 18.8.2021 463/2021
52 weeks for Elective treatment 18.8.2021 465/2021
EPR 18.8.2021 480/2021
Greener NHS National Programme 18.8.2021 485/2021
Overseas patients 18.8.2021 492/2021
Dermatology treatment 18.8.2021 493/2021
Empty Commerical Properties 18.8.2021 495/2021
Bank and Agency spend 11.08.2021 194/2021
Appointment reminders 11.08.2021 254/2021
Fracture Liaison Service 11.08.2021 280/2021
Thornbury Nursing Services 11.08.2021 305/2021
NSCLC 11.08.2021 333/2021
Facilities Management 11.08.2021 337/2021
PCR Test for COVID 19 11.08.2021 342/2021
A&E Waiting times 11.08.2021 345/2021
ED Mental Health attendances 11.08.2021 348/2021
RHCH COVID deaths 11.08.2021 349/2021
Contact details Performance and Quality 11.08.2021 350/2021
Electronic food menu 11.08.2021 357/2021
Disinfection systems 11.08.2021 358/2021
Digital transformation 11.08.2021 361/2021
Artificial intelligence 11.08.2021 368/2021
Physical assaults on staff 11.08.2021 371/2021
PCR Cycle threshold 11.08.2021 372/2021
Hospital acquired infections 11.08.2021 376/2021
Digital Dictation and Voice Recognition 11.08.2021 377/2021
COVID deaths 11.08.2021 383/2021
COVID PCR 11.08.2021 384/2021
COVID deaths 11.08.2021 387/2021
PAT testing 11.08.2021 389/2021
COVID PCR 11.08.2021 390/2021
PCR Testing 11.08.2021 392/2021
Stonewall 11.08.2021 393/2021
Hospital acquired COVID 19 11.08.2021 394/2021
COVID Deaths 11.8.2021 399/2021
COVID PCR 11.8.2021 401/2021
Covid deaths 11.8.2021 404/2021
Ophthalmology services 11.8.2021 408/2021
Staff accessing occupational health 11.8.2021 411/2021
Retained Products of Conception 11.8.2021 412/2021
Carbon monoxide poisoning 11.8.2021 414/2021
EPR/EHR System 11.8.2021 415/2021
Vulnerable adults with learning difficulties 11.8.2021 423/2021
Oesophageal and Gastic Cancer 11.8.2021 434/2021
Covid deaths 11.8.2021 435/2021
Maternity Ward Capacity and Staff 11.8.2021 437/2021
Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment 11.8.2021 439/2021
Surgical Power Tool Inventory 11.8.2021 440/2021
Speech and language Therapy 11.8.2021 444/2021
Multiple Sclerosis Treatment 11.8.2021 450/2021
Document Management System 11.8.2021 457/2021
PCR Tests for SARS-COV-2 and COVID-19 2.8.2021 191/2021
PCR Testing  2.8.2021 198/2021
Paediatric Audiology 15.7.2021 402/2021
COVID 19 Deaths 15.7.2021 364/2021
Colorectal Cancer Treatments 15.7.2021 347/2021
Breast Cancer Treatments 15.7.2021 316/2021
Thrombotic/embolic Strokes and Lab Results 15.7.2021 310/2021
Blood Collections Tubes 15.7.2021 273/2021
Agency Staff in ED 15.7.2021 056/2021
Telecoms 15.7.2021 015/2021
Air Sealed Room 15.7.2021 416/2021
Anaethesia Machines 15.7.2021 409/2021
Myelofibrosis and Prostate Cancer Treatment 15.7.2021 220/2021
Learning Management System 15.7.2021 395/2021
Agency Vendor and Bank Management 15.7.2021 406/2021
RTT Performance 15.7.2021 086/2021
Potholes 15.7.2021 054/2021
Pregabalin or Gabapentin related deaths 30.6.2021 369/2021
Adverse reactions to the Covid vaccine 30.6.2021 365/2021
Covid 19 deaths 30.6.2021 352/2021
Covid deaths and PCR tests 30.6.2021 346/2021
Covid admissions and deaths 30.6.2021 312/2021
Covid deaths and infections 30.6.2021 344/2021
Covid positive care-home discharges 30.6.2021 308/2021
Adverse reactions to the Covid vaccination 30.6.2021 285/2021
Agency and direct engagement 30.6.2021 326/2021
Total hospital admissions 30.6.2021 324/2021
Covid deaths and infections 30.6.2021 298/2021
Staff retirement applications 30.6.2021 331/2021
Venesection procedures 30.6.2021 268/2021
Manual handling incidents and trollies 30.6.2021 247/2021
Video consultations 30.6.2021 057/2021
Flu and Covid figures 30.6.2021 137/2021
Covid care home discharges 21.6.2021 308/2021
Hard and soft facilities management 21.6.2021 292/2021
Employee retention and recruitment 21.6.2021 290/2021
Anti VEGF therapy 21.6.2021 270/2021
Agency staff 21.6.2021 252/2021
CT and MRI machines 21.6.2021 246/2021
Cyber attacks 21.6.2021 295/2021
Long COVID clinics 21.6.2021 296/2021
Epidural analgesia 21.6.2021 336/2021
Stonewall Equality Ltd 21.6.2021 329/2021
Incidents of security assault 21.6.2021 323/2021
Pagers/Bleeps 21.6.2021 322/2021
Covid deaths and infections 21.6.2021 298/2021
Public health funerals 21.6.2021 244/2021
Neurological treatment 21.6.2021 236/2021
Darktrace gifts and hospitality 21.6.2021 231/2021
Staff absences and COVID 21.6.2021 228/2021
Telephony services 21.6.2021 217/2021
Physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and language 21.6.2021 204/2021
Melanoma follow-up protocols 21.6.2021 192/2021
Earnd UK 21.6.2021 188/2021
Total hip replacements in 2017 21.6.2021 183/2021
Incidents of racism by patients to staff 21.6.2021 160/2021
Infusion pumps 21.6.2021 111/2021
Staff sick leave  21.6.2021 104/2021
Radiology PACS 21.6.2021 075/2021
Telecoms 21.6.2021 015/2021
Surgical doctor training 8.6.2021 269/2021
Covid deaths 8.6.2021 251/2021
Covid deaths and comorbidities 8.6.2021 214/2021
EPR and PAS 8.6.2021 260/2021
Ventilators 8.6.2021 066/2021
Medicine waste 8.6.2021 068/2021
ED attendees with no GP 8.6.2021 031/2021
Network infrastructure 3.6.2021 115/2021
Haemophilia B and Von Willebrand disease 3.6.2021 195/2021
Healthcare associated infections (HCAI) 3.6.2021 036/2021
Occupational health and wellbeing spend 3.6.2021 139/2021
Pagers and bleeps 3.6.2021 052/2021
Biologic respiratory medicine 3.6.2021 212/2021
ED contact details 3.6.2021 213/2021
Digital staff contacts 3.6.2021 215/2021
Disposal of IT equipment 3.6.2021 229/2021
Surgical haemorrhoid procedures 3.6.2021 234/2021
Average agency nurse costs and hours 3.6.2021 118/2021
Outsourced tele-radiology 3.6.2021 197/2021
Overall expenditure on nursing staff 3.6.2021 180/2021
Apple iMacs or Macbooks 3.6.2021 203/2021
Off-framework providers 3.6.2021 211/2021
Patient and staff sexual orientation 3.6.2021 262/2021
PALS relating to weight 3.6.2021 266/2021
Hazardous waste collector 3.6.2021 299/2021
Confidential waste contracts 3.6.2021 291/2021
Reporting systems 3.6.2021 304/2021
COVID diagnosis and claims 28.5.2021 082/2021
Deaths whilst on waiting lists 27.5.2021 202/2021
Serious incidents during surgery 26.5.2021 253/2021
Serious incidents and dismissals 26.5.2021 241/2021
Training from serious incidents 26.5.2021 240/2021
Fraud cases 26.5.2021 239/2021
COVID vaccine for front line staff 26.5.2021 237/2021
Blocked suspicious emails 26.5.2021 235/2021
ICU triage protocols 26.5.2021 224/2021
Detained paediatric patients with eating disorders 26.5.2021 209/2021
Royal College reviews 26.5.2021 176/2021
Staff vaccine uptake 25.5.2021 278.2021
Eobservation and patient flow 25.5.2021 264/2021
Electronic Medical Records 25.5.2021 263/2021
Robotic process automation 25.5.2021 257/2021
Electrical suppliers 25.5.2021 248.2021
Anitbiotics 25.5.2021 245/2021
Drug Dependence Guidance 25.5.2021 223/2021
Dermatology and gastroenterology treatment 20.5.2021 258/2021
Endoscopy facilities, scopes and gender lists 20.5.2021 249/2021
FOI department structure 20.5.2021 233/2021
Outsourced radiology services 20.5.2021 230/2021
Physical and verbal staff assualts  20.5.2021 170/2021
COVID structured SIRIs 20.5.2021 158/2021
Staff COVID -19 infections and deaths 20.5.2021 131/2021
External legal advice for COVID processes 11.5.2021 222/2021
Foreign objects  11.5.2021 221/2021
Wellbeing days for NHS staff 11.5.2021 216/2021
Cancer referral appointments 11.5.2021 208/2021
Youth self-harming 5.5.2021 167/2021
Obstetric PALS 5.5.2021 165/2021
SIRIs and deaths involving patients with learning disabilities 5.5.2021 161/2021
Integrated care partnership 5.5.2021 142/2021
Defibrillators 5.5.2021 034/2021
Clinical coding 5.5.2021 026/2021
Rheumatology biologic / biosimilar medications 5.5.2021 193/2021
CCGs home packages


Suicide deaths 5.5.2021 187/2021
Dermatology treatment 5.5.2021 169/2021
Whistle blowing 5.5.2021 154/2021
COVID, bed capacity and flu 5.5.2021 094/2021
National patient safety strategy 5.5.2021 205/2021
Risk management 22.4.2021 199/2021
Patient handover 22.4.2021 186/2021
Quality Improvement team 22.4.2021 172/2021
Blood gas analysis and point of care contracts 22.4.2021 163/2021
Treatment for infections 22.4.2021 136/2021
Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) treatment 22.4.2021 125/2021
Translation services costs 21.4.2021 077/2021
Under 18 mental health treatment 21.4.2021 178/2021
Large babies 21.4.2021 162/2021
Lead managers and directors 21.4.2021 096/2021
Technical applications tenders 21.4.2021 173/2021
Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) 15.4.2021 152/2021
Cord Clamping 15.4.2021 149/2021
Legal services 15.4.2021 112/2021
Managerial Staff 15.4.2021 008/2021
Digital Conversion of Paper Records 15.4.2021 177/2021
Colorectal Cancer Treatment 15.4.2021 110/2021
Bank Staff 15.4.2021 100/2021
Electronic Patient Record Systems


Blood transfusions since 1979 25.3.2021 150/2021
Staff uptake of Covid vaccine 25.3.2021 145/2021
Mask fit test failures 25.3.2021 133/2021
Diversity network leads 25.3.2021 156/2021
Board software and planning 25.3.2021 155/2021
Video conferencing 25.3.2021 128/2021
Allocation of funds 22.3.2021 050/2021
Video consultation 22.3.2021 037/2021
Medicine treatment 22.3.2021 092/2021
Buccolam syringes in paediatrics 22.3.2021 076/2021
Mental health ED attendances 22.3.2021 089/2021
Terminations and miscarriages 22.3.2021 028/2021
Complications of telemedical abortions 22.3.2021 020/2021
Destroyed Pfizer Covid vaccines 22.3.2021 012/2021
Assault related injury 22.3.2021 003/2021
Covid related staff deaths 22.3.2021 138/2021
Geriatric pregnancies 22.3.2021 129/2021
Disposal of face masks 22.302021 120/2021
Disciplinaries and settlements 22.3.2021 107/2021
Anti VEFG treatments 22.3.2021 093/2021
Covid-19 and pregnancy 22.3.2021 095/2021
Contracts with Arconic and Lingspan 12.3.2021 048/2021
Electric vehicle (EV) charging 12.3.2021 083/2021
Non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) 12.3.2021 084/2021
Hospital-acquired Covid-19 16.3.2021 565/2020
Infusion pumps 11.3.2021 123/2021
Haemophilia treatment 11.3.2021 595/2020
Handling of supplier invoices 11.3.2021 121/2021
Medications 11.3.2021 114/2021
Staff accommodation 11.3.2021 105/2021
Army medical correspondence 11.3.2021 090/2021
Support for family members of cancer patients 11.3.2021 061/2021
Dermatology and gastroenterology treaments 11.3.2021 058/2021
Treatment from rheumatology 11.3.2021 039/2021
Rota supplier 11.3.2021 038/2021
Cancer and Haemopilia treatment 11.3.2021 035/2021
Biologic products 11.3.2021 017/2021
Blood glucose monitoring meters 1.3.2021 081/2021
Transgender staff 1.3.2021 071/2021
Rheumatoid guidance 1.3.2021 069/2021
Infection control contacts 1.3.2021 067/2021
Lead aprons 1.3.2021 064/2021
Nipple and areola complex tattoos 1.3.2021 055/2021
Whistleblowing 1.3.2021 019/2021
Exspences relating to restaurant bills 1.3.2021 006/2021
SARS-COV2 and Covid 19 1.3.2021 014/2021
Covid complications 1.3.2021 606/2020
Maternity Covid regulations 1.3.2021 596/2020
12 week pregnancy scans 1.3.2021 568/2020
Correcting cosmetic procedures 1.3.2021 567/2020
Staff sick days 1.3.2021 529/2020
Agency costs and hours 1.3.2021 423/2020
Video consultation 16.2.2021 033/2021
Agency spend and international nurses 5.2.2021 613/2020
EPR and IT solutions 5.2.2021 592/2020
Single use catering items 5.2.2021 589/2020
DNAR 5.2.2021 582/2020
Fraud identification software 5.2.2021 574/2020
Suppplier compliance requirements  5.2.2021 532/2020
IT systems and fax machines 5.2.2021 446/2020
Diabetes pharmacist 5.2.2021 060/2021
NHS Improvement model health system 5.2.2021 053/2021
LAN 5.2.2021 027/2021
Physical assaults against staff 5.2.2021 007/2021
Hospital deaths 5.2.2021 005/2021
Bone densitometry units 15.1.2021 021/2021
Bournemouth COVID related deaths 15.1.2021 554/2020
COVID related deaths 15.1.2021 004/2021
LMS (Learning Management System) 15.1.2021 009/2021
IT systems 15.1.2021 011/2021
Franked letters 15.1.2021 518/2020
COVID related deaths


COVID related deaths 14.1.2021 604/2020
PPE 14.1.2021 585/2020
Atopic dermatitis treatment 14.1.2021 580/2020
Migrainge treatment 14.1.2021 559/2020
Self-harm attendances 14.1.2021 558/2020
Land study for our new hospital 14.1.2021 479/2020
Microcatheters 8.1.2021 609/2020
Agency nursing staff 8.1.2021 599/2020
International recruitment 8.1.2021 602/2020
Electronic document management solution 8.1.2021 598/2020
Tissue sample and biopsy retention 8.1.2021 593/2020
Ophthalmic dye 8.1.2021 584/2020
Logistic Hub 8.1.2021 581/2020
LGBTQ+IVF 8.1.2021 579/2020
Language services 8.1.2021 575/2020
Covid-19 related deaths 8.1.2021 570/2020
Covid-19 related deaths 8.1.2021 563/2020
SIRIs involving Covid-19 patients 8.1.2021 519/2020
Covid-19 related deaths 7.1.2021 560/2020
Mental health services for children 7.1.2021 548/2020
Ovarian and prostate cancer 7.1.2021 546/2020
Agency staff and direct engagement 7.1.2021 545/2020
Physician associates 7.1.2021 498/2020
Medic appraisals and feedback 7.1.2021 493/2020
Diagnostic outsourcing companies 7.1.2021 413/2020
Agency spend and headcount 7.1.2021 356/2020


Accessibility tools

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