Support for bereaved adults
Cruse Bereavement Care (Andover and Basingstoke)
Winchester Bereavement Support
Support for bereaved children
Basingstoke Breast Cancer Self-Help Group
Brain Tumour Support - Southampton
Countess of Brecknock Hospice (Andover)
Hampshire Asbestos Support and Awareness Group (HASAG)
Hampshire Cup Cakes (support for men and women affected by cancer)
Heartburn Cancer UK (oesophageal and gastric cancer, Barrett's oesophagus)
Macmillan Cancer Support (list of local cancer support groups by postcode)
MENTALK (for men dealing with cancer)
North Hampshire Prostate Cancer Support Group
Ovacome (ovarian cancer)
Ovacome younger women's ovarian cancer support group (virtual support group for under 45s)
Shine Cancer Support (for young adults with cancer)
St. Michael's Hospice (Basingstoke)
The Blue Space (male cancer)
The Pink Place (female cancer)
Victoria's Promise (for women aged 18-45 affected by cancer)
Wessex Cancer Support (formerly Wessex Cancer Trust)
Winchester and Eastleigh Cancer Support Group (breast, ovarian, lung and bone cancer)
Community support
Andover NeighbourCare (support for elderly people)
Basingstoke NeighbourCare (support for elderly people)
Connect to Support Hampshire (Hampshire County Council)
Family Information and Services Hub (Hampshire County Council)
Red Cross home care service (for patients discharged from hospital)
Community transport
Basingstoke Community Transport
Connect Basingstoke (formerly Dial-a-Ride)
Connect East Hampshire (formerly Dial-a-Ride)
Connect Test Valley (formerly Dial-a-Ride)
Connect Winchester (formerly Dial-a-Ride)
Diabetes UK
Hampshire paediatric diabetes group (for young people aged 0 to 22)
Basingstoke and District Disability Forum (BDDF)
Learning disabilities/learning difficulties
Autism Hampshire
Eastleigh Borough and Romsey Mencap Society
Health Unlocked (Mencap's online community)
Basingstoke Hospital Green Gym (gardening for health and wellbeing)
Energise Me (Hampshire Active Health Programme)
Arrthymia Alliance
Arrhythmia Alliance Support Groups
British Heart Foundation
Winchester heart support group
Cardiac rehabilitation
Hampshire Men's Activity Network
MENTALK (for men dealing with cancer)
Macular Society
Open Sight
Social clubs for visually impaired people