What is the Council of Governors?

The Council of Governors work alongside the Board of Directors to ensure that the local communities and staff have an influence in how services are developed and delivered by the Foundation Trust. The Council of Governors is made up of local people, staff members and representatives from local authorities.

Our Council of Governors comprises fifteen public governors, five staff governors and five appointed governors whose responsibilities include:

  • Gathering the views of the local community about the services our hospital provides
  • Working with the Board of Directors to produce the strategic vision and review the annual plan
  • Appointing the chairman and the non-executive directors and agreeing their remuneration
  • Approving the appointment of the chief executive
  • Reviewing the annual report and accounts
  • Appointing the external auditors
  • Developing the membership strategy
  • Developing other programmes of work agreed with the Board of Directors

Click here to find details for our upcoming Council of Governors meetings, which take place on a quarterly basis and are open to all Foundation Trust members and members of the public are welcome to attend.

Click on one of the links below to find out more about being a member, our Council of Governors, and dates and information for past and upcoming meetings!