Advice for COVID-19 recovery (Patient Webinars)
How technology can help with symptoms of Long Covid [AbilityNet]
Long COVID service (Hampshire and Isle of Wight)
NoseWell (COVID-19 related loss of smell from AbScent charity)
Recovering from COVID-19 (Hampshire Hospitals)
Recovering from COVID-19 (Hampshire Hospitals) [LARGE PRINT]
Long COVID vocational rehabilitation service (Solent NHS Trust)
Limbcare (advice and support for amputee/limb-impaired individuals)
NRAS (National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society)
Versus Arthritis (formerly Arthritis Research UK)
BRIAN (free app to help people cope with a brain tumour)
Carer support and dementia advice service for Hampshire
Different Strokes (for younger stroke survivors)
Headway (for people with a brain injury and their carers)
Motor Neurone Disease Association
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society
SameYou (recovery from brain injury and stroke for young people)
Shift MS (forum and social network for people with MS)
Information on coronavirus for stroke survivors [Stroke Association]
Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group
Young Lives vs Cancer (formerly CLIC Sargent)
Colorectal, stomach, bowel
Colostomy UK (includes young colostomates)
Heartburn Cancer UK (oesophageal and gastric cancer, Barrett's oesophagus)
5k your way move against cancer
Bucket List Wishes (Berkshire-based charity granting wishes for terminally ill adults)
Cancer information in your language (Macmillan Cancer Support)
Eating well with cancer [Wessex Cancer Alliance]
Hampshire Macmillan Citizens Advice Service (for financial advice)
I Can Therapy Centre (helping people with health conditions to move more and feel better)
NHS national screening programme (bowel, breast, cervical)
Odyssey (helps people with cancer regain confidence via a programme of outdoor activities)
OUTpatients (LGBTQI+ people affected by cancer)
Penny Brohn UK (complementary therapies, counselling and support for people with cancer and their supporters)
Untire (app to help reduce fatigue)
Orchid - fighting male cancer (testicular, prostate and penile cancer)
Other cancers
Anthony Nolan Trust (info on bone marrow donation and transplantation for leukaemia)
BRIAN (free app to help people cope with a brain tumour)
NET Patient Foundation (neuroendocrine cancer)
Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation
Daisy Network (premature menopause)
NHS National Screening Programme (bowel, breast, cervical)
Ovacome (ovarian cancer)
British Red Cross (support at home)
Carer support and dementia advice service for Hampshire
Connect to Support Hampshire (adult social care)
Connect to Support Hampshire Care Guide
Princess Royal Trust for Carers in Hampshire
Please also see our 'Information for carers' page
Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG)
Coronavirus and caring for your baby [Lullaby Trust]
Better Health, Healthier Families (activities, food facts and recipes)
Connect to Support Hampshire Care Guide
Contact (for families with disabled children)
Kidscape (help with bullying)
Ronald Mcdonald House Charities (free accommodation for families with children in hospitals and hospices across the UK)
The Mix (support for the under 25s)
Well Child (national charity for sick children)
Winston’s wish (charity for bereaved children)
Mental health
Children & Young People's Mental Health Coalition
Combined Minds (free app to help adults support a young person's mental health)
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Crisis Line for Children and Young People
Mind (information for children and young people)
YPI (counselling for 11 to 25 year olds in Basingstoke and Deane area)
Young parent guide to loneliness [Mental Health Foundation]
Young adults
Sex and young people (information and advice about sex, contraception and relationships for teenagers)
Talk to Frank (honest information about drugs aimed at younger people)
Community support
Andover NeighbourCare (support for elderly people)
Basingstoke NeighbourCare (support for elderly people)
Connect to Support Hampshire (Hampshire County Council)
Family Information and Services Hub (Hampshire County Council)
Red Cross home care service (for patients discharged from hospital)
Community transport
Basingstoke Community Transport
Connect Basingstoke (formerly Dial-a-Ride)
Connect East Hampshire (formerly Dial-a-Ride)
Connect Test Valley (formerly Dial-a-Ride)
Connect Winchester (formerly Dial-a-Ride)
My autism passport (for autistic people who might need hospital treatment)
Talk about Autism (online community)
Cerebral palsy
SCOPE (cerebral palsy)
Down's syndrome
AccessAble (directory of accessible venues in the UK and Ireland)
Access All (articles, videos and podcasts for disabled people from the BBC)
Apply for or renew a Blue Badge
British Red Cross (support at home)
Challengers (inclusive play and leisure for disabled children and young people)
Changing Places (details of accessible toilets with additional equipment)
Connect to Support Hampshire Care Guide
Contact (for parents of disabled children)
Disability Rights UK (organisation led by, run by and working with disabled people)
Every Body Moves (inclusive local activities to become more active)
Leonard Cheshire (charity providing support for people with disabilities)
Limbless Association (for UK amputees and limb-loss community)
Living Made Easy (signposting for independent living)
Macmillan Cancer Support (cancer-related information in Easy Read)
Marie Curie (information for anyone affected by terminal illness in Easy Read)
Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
Rose Road Association (services for young disabled people aged 0 - 25, their parents, families and carers)
SeeAbility (specialist support, accommodation and eye care help for people with learning disabilities, autism and sight loss)
Speakeasy Advocacy (independent advocacy service for vulnerable adults and children in north Hampshire)
Stepping Forward (disability rights)
The You Trust (chairty supporting vulnerable people)
Hearing loss
Please see 'Ear, nose, throat and mouth' section
Learning disabilities
Easy Health (health information for people with learning disabilities)
Sight loss
Please see 'Eyes' section
Prescribed medicines
Electronic Medicines Compendium (prescribed medicines info)
Recreational and street drugs
AbScent (loss of smell charity)
British Deaf Association (BDA)
Butterfly Thyroid Cancer Trust
Connect to Support Hampshire Guide
National Association of Laryngectomee Clubs
National Deaf Children's Society
Royal Association for Deaf People
RNID (Royal National Institute for Deaf People - formerly Action on Hearing Loss)
Sense (for people with complex disabilities, including deafblind)
SignHealth (Deaf health charity)
Spectrum (centre for independent living)
Connect to Support Hampshire Guide
Guide Dogs for the Blind Association
Living Paintings (tactile and audio books for blind children and adults)
Look (national federation of families with visually impaired children)
Royal College of Ophthalmologists
Royal National Institute for the Blind
SeeAbility (specialist support, accommodation and eye care help for people with learning disabilities, autism and sight loss)
Anthony Nolan Trust (information on umbilical cord blood donation)
BLISS (premature and sick baby charity)
British Pregnancy Advisory Service
Brook Pregnancy Advisory Service
National Childbirth Trust (NCT)
Twins Trust (formerly TAMBA)
Mental health (including bereavement)
PANDAS Foundation (pre-and postnatal depression and advice)
SANDS (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society)
Registration of births and deaths in Hampshire:
Connect to Support Hampshire Guide
Contact (directory of medical conditions, diagnosis and genetics)
Health and wellbeing directory (Hampshire Hospitals)
Healthtalk (people's real life experiences living with health conditions)
Healthier together (NHS parenting site)
Patient (health information)
Infectious symptoms poster - English
Infectious symptoms poster - French
Infectious symptoms poster - Arabic
Benefits and community advice
British Red Cross (support at home)
Driving with a disability or health condition
Blood, organ and bone marrow donation
Participation in clinical trials or research projects
National Institute for Health Research
Travel information and advice
MASTA (medical advisory service for travellers abroad)
Health and care video library (NHS funded)
Health and wellbeing directory (Hampshire Hospitals)
Al-Anon (for families and friends of alcoholics)
Drink aware (alcohol awareness)
Inclusion (drug and alcohol services)
Change4Life (food facts)
Change4Life (healthy recipes)
Inclusion (drug and alcohol services)
Change4Life (activities)
Energise Me (Hampshire Active Health Programme)
Every Body Moves (inclusive local activities to become more active)
Green Gym (gardening for health and wellbeing)
I Can Therapy Centre (helping people with health conditions to move more and feel better)
Park Run (free, weekly community events)
This Girl Can (exercise ideas for women)
We Are Undefeatable (activities for people with long term health conditions) [NHS]
Winchester Sport and Leisure Centre
Quit Smoking (NHS)
Heart UK (cholesterol advice)
Asthma + Lung UK (merger of Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation)
HASAG (asbestos disease support)
Asthma + Lung UK (merger of Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation)
MenSpeak (men's mental health groups)
MenWalkTalk (men's mental health groups)
Orchid Cancer Appeal (testicular, prostate and penile cancer)
Tough Enough to Care (men's mental health)
Bereavement and counselling
Amparo (support following suicide)
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
Butterflies Bereavement Support Hampshire
Good Grief Trust (online bereavement support website)
Hampshire Registration Service (how to register a death)
Loss Foundation (free bereavement support for loss to cancer or COVID-19)
Mariposa Trust (support for bereaved parents)
NHS (to find local psychological support)
Relate (relationship/ marriage counselling)
Rosie Crane Trust (support for bereaved parents)
SANDS (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society)
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide
Talking Therapies Hampshire (NHS service, formerly iTalk)
Winston's Wish (charity for bereaved children)
Age UK (mental wellbeing for older people)
BAATN (Black African and Asian Therapy Network)
BBC Headroom (mental health toolkit)
BEAT (eating disorders)
Children & Young People's Mental Health Coalition
Connect to Support Hampshire Guide
Every Mind Matters including Your Mind Plan
Frazzled Cafe (peer support via online and face to face meetings)
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Crisis Line for Children and Young People
Hub of Hope (mental health support network)
Marmalade Trust (support for loneliness)
MenSpeak (men's mental health groups)
MenWalkTalk (men's mental health groups)
Mind (information for adults)
Mind (information for children and young people)
MindOut (mental health charity for LGBTQ people)
NHS mental health and wellbeing
No Panic (for sufferers of panic and anxiety disorders, phobias, OCD, and withdrawal from tranquilisers)
Royal College of Psychiatrists
Shout - for support in a crisis
Silver Line (free 24-hour helpline for older people)
Sport in Mind (physical activities to help with mental health and wellbeing)
SupportLine (confidential emotional support for children, young adults, and adults)
Tough Enough to Care (men's mental health)
YPI (counselling to 11 to 25 year olds in Basingstoke and Deane)
Zero Suicide Alliance (free suicide prevention training)
Basingstoke & Deane Over 55s Forum
British Red Cross (support at home)
Connect to Support Hampshire (help with care choices)
Connect to Support Hampshire Guide
Silver Line (free 24-hour helpline for older people)
Burning Nights (CRPS - complex regional pain syndrome)
Escape Pain (for people with chronic pain of the knee and/or hip joint)
Flippin' Pain (for people with persistent pain)
Pain Toolkit (pain self management)
Be In The Know (HIV and AIDS information)
Let's Talk About It (NHS Hampshire sexual health services)
Relate (relationship and marriage counselling)
Terrence Higgins Trust (HIV and sexual health information and services)
Bladder and Bowel Community (incontinence)
IA (ileostomy and internal pouch support group)
PBC Foundation (primary biliary cirrhosis)
Association for Postnatal Illness
British Society of Urogynaecology
Daisy Network (premature menopause)
Women's Aid (domestic violence affecting women and children)