What are our priorities and how are we doing
Our priorities are documented within our Annual Report and Annual Plans:
Performance against targets
We are committed to providing patients, visitors and staff with a high quality and safe environment. In order for us to know how well we are doing, we regularly monitor and assess our services via a number of methods. A monthly update of our performance can be found within Our Performance.
Clinical governance
Quality and Safety within Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is managed under the heading of Governance.
Care Quality Commission (CQC)
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of all health and social care services in England.
Their job is to make sure that care provided by hospitals, dentists, ambulances, care homes and services in people’s own homes and elsewhere meets national standards of quality and safety.The CQC makes both planned and unscheduled visits to the Trust to monitor and assess us against some core standards.
Service User Surveys
The annual NHS patient survey programme systematically gathers the views of patients about the care they have recently received through a randomly selected sample of patients. These surveys are co-ordinated by the Care Quality Commission, the results of which influence the annual performance rating awarded to each trust, and can be used by the trusts to help identify where improvement may be needed. The latest results can be found here.
The Department of Health also undertakes an annual national patient choice survey, the aim of which is to monitor patient awareness of choice and their feedback from having been offered a choice of hospital for their first outpatient appointment.
The Foundation Trust has its own internal programme of local patient satisfaction surveys carried out by its clinical staff.