We assess our staffing levels on every ward at every shift to make sure we deliver high-quality care based on responding to the patients’ needs.
The ward /department leads review staffing levels for every shift, every day. This review is overseen by our clinical matrons, divisional chief nurses and the chief nursing office team.
This assessment is based on the number of patients as well as the needs of those patients, and it’s important to have the correct skill mix of staff as well as the appropriate number of staff on shift. When we experience unexpected staff shortages on a ward, the staff member in charge of the ward is supported to assess the impact on the patients and make the necessary adjustments to ensure patient care is not compromised.
In addition, our staff are flexible and work hard to meet patients’ needs day in, day out.
We are very open about our staffing data, which is discussed with our Governors, scrutinised by our Board every month and published on our website.
On these pages you will find a range of information, including:
- Detailed information about the staffing levels
- Monthly reports that are discussed by the trust board, reviewing staffing levels, harm-free care rates, and detailing what we are doing to address any issues we identify with the staffing levels
- Copies of information we submit to NHS England, and which gets published on NHS Choices.
On every ward we display the planned number of nursing, midwifery, and care staff alongside the actual number of staff present on the ward that day. If you have any concerns about the staffing levels on a ward, please talk to the staff member in charge.
You can also view information on our staffing levels on NHS Choices website.
We hope that you find this information useful.