Sally Jane Davidge.png

I was born and brought up in Winchester. After studies at Nottingham and Mannheim Universities, I married and moved across the border to Surrey. I subsequently moved to Buckinghamshire, but have always maintained close links with Hampshire through family and friends.

A linguist, I have done translation and tutoring work, and have more recently turned my attention to acting as a patient and public representative on a variety of medical research projects.

I served nine years as a public governor of the Oxford University Hospitals N.H.S. Foundation Trust, and became chair of the governors’ committee for Patient Experience, Membership and Quality.

A disabled person myself, I am passionate about Equality, Diversity and Inclusion for all in the N.H.S – patients, their carers and staff – and about achieving Health Equity for all in the community.

At home, I enjoy word puzzles and knitting for charity. I am a leader in the Girls’ Brigade, and head up a Church group for visually impaired people.