JANUARY 2022 marks 10 amazing years of Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (HHFT) – and as part of the HHFT 10th celebrations, members of the public are being invited to give a special birthday present to their local NHS by supporting the ‘£10 for HHFT10’ fundraising campaign.
Launched by Hampshire Hospitals Charity (HHC), this campaign gives everyone the chance to make a small donation that will collectively make a big difference by enabling HHC to fund items and support for staff and patients above and beyond what the NHS provides.
Steve Erskine, chairman of HHFT and HHC, said: “The wonderful support that Hampshire Hospitals Charity has received from individuals, businesses and community organisations has enabled the charity to make a big difference to HHFT staff and patients over the last decade.
“Thank you to everyone who has donated, and thank you to all those who support the ‘£10 for HHFT10’ campaign during this milestone year for your local hospitals trust. Your donations will help us to improve the working environment and quality of work life for our staff, and also enhance the level of care and support they can deliver to our patients.”
“The trust will also be looking ahead with excitement at what’s to come, alongside saying thank you to the staff, past and present, for the care, compassion and dedication they have shown over the last 10 years.
“This is something that has never been more important as teams across your local hospitals continue to go above and beyond as they respond to the Covid-19 pandemic while still delivering all the services and care that our patients and their loved ones need.”
To donate to the ‘£10 for HHFT10’ campaign, please visit https://www.justgiving.com/northhampshireh – and if you are eligible to, please remember to tick the gift aid box as this will add 25 per cent to every donation you make.
HHC raises money to support local HHFT NHS hospital heroes in Andover, Basingstoke and Winchester, and the patients they care for. Every pound donated helps the charity to provide enhanced care and support for staff and patients, including funding health and wellbeing support for those working on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic.