Celebrating yesterday, designing tomorrow
Free event - Tuesday 19 July 2022 from 5:30pm
University of Winchester, West Downs Centre
Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (HHFT) is peeling back the curtain and offering a behind the scenes look at the trust that runs hospitals in Andover, Basingstoke and Winchester as part of a free event open to the public.
Being held at the University of Winchester on Tuesday 19 July, members of the public will be able to explore HHFT through an interactive exhibition where they can chat to teams who help to care for thousands of patients each year, try out first hand some of the equipment used to train staff and care for patients, and learn about what’s to come in the trust’s future.
As part of the evening, attendees will be invited to tour the clinical teaching rooms used by the trust and university to train future nurses. Those who explore the facilities will be able to hear about the nursing courses, how these are run and learn more about how the two organisations work in partnership to offer practice placements on site.
Following the exhibition, attendees will hear from the trust’s senior team and expert speakers, whilst having the chance to ask questions in real time.
Talks will be centred on what is happening with the new hospital programme, and how the trust is designing the future of nursing in Hampshire. The trust will also present its annual report and accounts for 2021/22.
The evening will host the trust’s first hybrid event, meaning those who can’t be there will benefit from an online experience; including a virtual exhibition and speaker live stream.
Tickets are free, and can be booked by visiting: https://bit.ly/HHFTAGM2022
Alex Whitfield, chief executive at HHFT, said: “We’re celebrating 10 years of Hampshire Hospitals at our Annual General Meeting – and you’re invited!
“Together, we'll look back at what we have achieved, share what's happening right now at HHFT as we share our annual report and accounts, and explore some of the innovative and exciting ways we are designing our future.
“We are so excited to welcome you to be part of our Annual General Meeting in person for the first time since 2019, so please do come along!”