Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has set out its plans to act on feedback received from staff in the NHS National Staff Survey.
The annual survey saw members of staff answer a wide range of questions about working for Trusts, across the country during the autumn. The results have been published on www.nhsstaffsurveyresults.com today (Tuesday February 26). Both full and summary reports for the Trust will also be available at www.nhsstaffsurveys.com in due course, but the results currently being displayed are those for 2017.
92 per cent of staff at the Trust, which runs Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital, Royal Hampshire County Hospital, in Winchester, and Andover War Memorial Hospital, reported that they feel trusted to do their job, while 90 per cent feel that their role makes a difference to patients.
The Trust also performed well in terms of ensuring that adjustments are made to ensure disabled staff can carry out their work, coming in above the national average and improving on 2017.
Alex Whitfield, chief executive of Hampshire Hospitals, said: “The staff survey gives us really important feedback as an organisation. It tells us how our staff are feeling and allows us to make changes to improve things for everyone.
“The results reflect the enormous pressure our staff are under, much of which is generated by the wider NHS context. Issues such as staffing are a problem for Trusts across the country and have a knock-on effect in other areas.
“As an organisation, we are looking into a number of new ways to combat this. We are working hard to recruit additional staff, while also trying to make sure that Hampshire Hospitals is an organisation where staff want to stay and build their careers.
“We will be providing additional support for staff in management or supervisor roles as a result of feedback from the survey, as well as finding more ways for staff to be innovative and change things for the better.
“While some of the results were challenging, there were several positives for us to build on. I was pleased to see that we are above the national average for our staff not experiencing bullying from patients or their families, suggesting we are a safer place to work. Our staff are also positive about our approach to disability and we have improved our appraisal rate from the last survey.
“Most heartening of all though, 78 per cent of people working in our Trust, above the national average, believe that the care of patients remains our top priority. Whatever the challenges we face, we all strive to provide outstanding care for all of our patients – and that is something we can be very proud of.”