Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is committed to the protection of adults who may be at risk of abuse or neglect. We work in partnership with other organisations to safeguard our patients and as part of our commitment and duty, we are guided by the Hampshire Multi Agency Safeguarding Policy as well as having our own internal policies and procedures.
All of our staff and volunteers receive training to equip them with the necessary skills to identify safeguarding concerns and respond to them appropriately.
Where there is a concern that a patient may have been the victim of abuse of neglect, the priority will always be their immediate safety. The wishes and views of the individual will be listened to and where possible acted upon.
If a patient or family member/carer has concerns about a safeguarding issue within the hospital, we would encourage them in the first instance, to discuss these concerns with the Nursing staff on the ward. If the concern relates to a concern outside of the hospital, Adult Services should be the point of contact. Hants Direct: 0300 555 1386 (Out of Hours: 0300 555 1373)
For anybody that is seeking support around domestic abuse, contact Stop Domestic Abuse on 0330 0165 112.