Domestic abuse is an issue that we take very seriously at Hampshire Hospitals. We recognise that many people are impacted by domestic abuse. This includes some of our patients and our own staff.
What is domestic abuse?
It doesn’t have to be violent. Domestic abuse can be physical or sexual abuse, violent or threatening behaviour, controlling or coercive behaviour or economic abuse. It could be a single or repeated act. The perpetrator of the abuse might be a spouse or partner, or an ex spouse or partner. It could be someone that you have had an intimate personal relationship with, it could be a relative.
Who can be a victim?
Anyone can be a victim regardless of gender, sexuality, age, socio economic status or race. Children can also be victims by witnessing or hearing domestic abuse.
How are Hampshire Hospitals helping?
All of our staff are required to complete domestic abuse awareness training regardless of their role. This helps them to recognise and respond to signs of domestic abuse appropriately.
We work alongside our colleagues at The You Trust and Stop Domestic Abuse to offer support to those who need it. We have a number of Domestic Abuse Advocates who work with us here at the Trust.
We engage with our Partners across Hampshire to move the Domestic Abuse agenda forward. By being part of the wider conversation locally, we can develop services and support that seek to meet the needs of those affected by domestic abuse.
We also offer support to our own staff who may be victims of domestic abuse.
How can we help you if you are experiencing domestic abuse?
If we know you need advice or support, we can put you in touch with our Domestic Abuse Advocates. They are specialists who can help you by taking into account your needs and own circumstances. They will not make decisions for you or tell you what to do. They will listen to you and then discuss with you how they might be able to help.
You can speak to any member of staff at Hampshire Hospitals who will listen and seek to support you.
How can we help you if you are concerned that you may be perpetrating domestic abuse?
We can put you in touch with the advocates who can put you in touch with relevant services. There is support available via the Hampton Trust. You can refer yourself if that’s your preference. Contact details are on the useful numbers section of this page.
Will you keep any information that I share about domestic abuse confidential?
There may be times when we need to share some of the detail with other agencies. For example, if we have concerns about any children that might be at risk or if we have concerns that you are at significant risk of harm. Whenever possible we will seek your consent to share this information, but there may also be times when we need to share information without your consent. This will only ever be to keep you or others at risk, safe from harm. Each situation is unique and we will consider the information we have on a case by case basis.
If you prefer not to talk to us, you can access support directly from a number of agencies. Please take a look at the useful numbers section of the page.
Help and support is available, please be assured that you are not alone and staff will do their best to help.