What is the 2024 NHS Maternity Survey?
This trust will be carrying out a survey between April and June 2024 to understand what women who have recently given birth think about their experiences of antenatal care, childbirth and postnatal care. This will include young mothers aged 16 and 17. This survey is part of a national programme to improve experiences of maternity care.
Your feedback matters and is important to us. We will use the survey results and feedback to understand the experience of the maternity care we provide so that we can make improvements for all new mothers and babies.
How will it work?
If you are invited to take part, the trust will pass on your contact details (name, mobile telephone number and postal address) so researchers can get in touch with you in a few months’ time about the survey.
The survey is being carried out by an independent survey contractor, Picker Institute Europe on behalf of the trust, the Care Quality Commission and the survey co-ordination centre at Ipsos MORI.
Taking part in the survey is voluntary and all answers are confidential. The results of the survey will be presented in a form that does not allow any individual’s answers to be identified.
Further information
If you do not wish to take part, or have any questions about the survey please contact our customer care team on 01256 486766 or via email Palsandcomplaints@hhft.nhs.uk
Click here to find out more about how we use your information https://www.hampshirehospitals.nhs.uk/privacynotice
Further information about the survey is available at: https://nhssurveys.org/received-a-questionnaire/