swift logo.pngHampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is committed to providing the highest standard of care and support to expectant and new mothers and their partners to feed their babies and build strong and loving parent/infant relationships.  As you can imagine this is a challenging time to offer this support face to face to families.  To help bridge the gap we would like to recommend the following resources which offer online guidance and support. If you have any questions and would like to contact the team please email infantfeedingteam@hhft.nhs.uk

Hampshire breastfeeding support during the COVID-19 outbreak includes online 1-2-1 support and bookable appointments with one of our NCT trained breastfeeding counsellors

Baby friendly initiative statement on infant feeding during the COVID-19 outbreak

Planning a virtual conversation - UNICEF Uk Baby friendly initiative - Guidance for virtual infant feeding support during the COVID-19 outbreak

Antenatal conversations - UNICEF Uk Baby friendly initiative - Guidance for virtual infant feeding support during the COVID-19 outbreak

Postnatal conversations - UNICEF Uk Baby friendly initiative - Guidance for virtual infant feeding support during the COVID-19 outbreak

Maximising breastmilk and supporting re-lactation - UNICEF UK baby friendly initiative


To help prepare you for your pregnancy, birth and beyond, here are some recommended and approved resources.

healthier together logo.pngHealthier Together

provides resources that have been developed in partnership between parents and healthcare professionals from across  Dorset,Hampshire and theIsile of Wright. You will find information for parents,young people and pregnant women.

baby buddy logo.jpgBaby Buddy provides posnalised atendal and postnatal information. Follow your baby's journey through pregnancy and the early years. packed with great feeding videos and other usefull resorces.

unicef log.png UNICEF

Trusted resources desined to provide parents with the best possible INFO to build close and loving relationships with their baby and to feed their baby in ways wich will support optimum health and development.

hamp BF counsell logo.jpgHampshire Breastfeeding Counselling

Provide breastfeeding support such as breastfeeding drop-ins,antenatal education and peer supporter training.


The DadPad can help to provide you with knowledge and practical skills. The resourse will support you and your partner to give your baby the best possible start in life.

breastfeeding network logo.jpgThe Breastfeeding network 

The Breastfeeding Network (BfN) is an independent source of support, providing information for breastfeeding women and others.