All midwives, nursery nurses, health care assistants and student midwives on the postnatal ward will provide support to you and your baby to ensure the safe transition to parenthood.

The postnatal ward is located within the maternity unit on the 2nd floor of the Sherborne building. The ward has 10 beds and four single rooms. The single rooms are used for those with women or babies with additional clinical needs or can be used as an amenity room for extra privacy.

When you arrive on the ward, your midwife will show you our facilities.

There are folders available which contain information which will help you settle in to the ward.

We would ask you not to keep the curtains closed around the bed unless you are breastfeeding your baby. This is to ensure that the midwifery staff can see that you and your baby are safe and well.

Please try and keep the area around your bed free of belongings and send any items you don't need home. This is to help us keep your environment clean and reduce the risk of infection.

During your stay your husband or birthing partner will able to have 24hrs a day visiting access. You and your partner will probably be tired after the baby's birth and it is important to rest and get to know your baby.

We have to be mindful of situations that may occur regarding an increased risk of infection and sometimes our visiting hours may have to change to increase safety for our mums and babies.

Visiting hours are arranged to give you and your partner time to get to know your baby and to give you privacy as we care for you.

Family members or visitors (over the age of 16) are welcome between:

2pm and 7.30pm

Up to 3 people can be with the baby at one time (one of them being a parent)

Please do not bring unwell children into the ward (e.g. sore throat, cough or cold)

Would you like a single room during your stay in the maternity unit?

Amenity rooms are available for those women who wish to have privacy. You will still be treated as an NHS patient but are paying for the additional privacy. The maternity unit has amenity rooms available on the postnatal ward.

If you wish to have an amenity room during your stay, please advise maternity staff when you are admitted in labour. Any income from amenity rooms is invested into the maternity unit and the care of patients.

For information regarding prices please contact: the private patients office on 01256 315010 or

Please note that rooms are subject to availability.

Safeguarding your baby

At Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital we have a responsibility to provide for you and your baby a safe, secure environment. While the hospital has many initiatives to ensure that security on the ward is heightened, there is much you can do to enhance safety and minimise risks.

We are aware that certain practices can increase the risk of your baby suffering from a cot death whilst they are sleeping. We work very hard to try and avoid this and there are certain recommendations that will help reduce the likelihood of this happening. Reduce the risk of cot death leaflet.

Regular medication rounds are undertaken to ensure you receive adequate pain relief, if you require extra pain relief please do not suffer in silence ask a member of staff.

A daily check of both you and your baby will be undertaken by the team which comprises of a midwife, nursery and maternity support worker.  Medical reviews for mothers and babies are not normally required but if needed will be undertaken by the team but we do not have fixed times for these.

Early discharge home is encouraged, based on individual needs.  The length of stay on the postnatal ward varies for each mother from 6 hours to 24 hours following a normal birth and up to 2 -3 days following a Caesarean section.  Women choosing to birth in the hospital are discharged to their named community midwife and the team will provide care and support in the community which will be planned with you.   Information is provided for you to take home with contact numbers if further support is required.