Dr Andrew Jackson, Consultant Clinical Oncologist and Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer



GI cancers, lung cancer, skin cancer 


Other Responsibilties

Acute Oncology Lead, Hampshire Hospitals NHS FOundation Trust 

Chair, Radiotherapy Group, Wessex Comprehensive Clinical Network (previously CSCCN) 

Member of NCRI  CTRad (Clinical and Translational Radiotherapy Research Working Group) Workstream 2 (Phase II trials)  


Training and education

Undergraduate training 1989-1995 : University of Cambridge and St George’s Hospital Medical School 

MRCP 1998 

Oncology Training 1999-2006: pan-Thames training scheme 

FRCR 2003, Rohan Williams medal 

MD 2003-2005: Royal Marsden Hospital/Institute of Cancer Research 



Dr Jackson has worked for the trust since October 2010.

He gained his CCST in Clinical Oncology in 2006 and took a post as a Clinical Lecturer and Hon. Consultant Oncologist at The University of Manchester/Christie Hospital specialising in upper GI cancers, with additional academic interests in Image Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT) and imaging.

In 2010 he moved to a post between North Hampshire Hospital Basingstoke and University Hospitals Southampton Trust.

He is continuing to pursue his research interest in upper GI cancers.


Key achievements

Principal Investigator, The BioStent Study: Biodegradable Oesophageal Stents and Radiotherapy for the Palliation of Dysphagia in Carcinoma of the Oesophagus. Awarded funding through NIHR Research for Patient Benefit funding stream 2012. 

Principal Investigator, ROCOCO: Radiotherapy and Olaparib in Combination for Oesophageal Cancer. Phase 1 dose escalation study. Awarded funding by CRUK New Agents Committee January 2011 

Principal investigator, Christie Hospital, Manchester: PACER (Locally Advanced pancreatic cancer: Phase II study of Cetuximab and 3-D conformal Image Guided Radiotherapy). Three centre NCRN badged study 

Co-investigator, Christie Hospital, Manchester: ‘A real time visual feedback device for reducing patient movement during radiotherapy’, NIHR New and Emerging Applications of Technology (NEAT) award 2008 

Principal investigator Christie Hospital, Manchester: DCE-MRI in oesophageal cancer: a pilot study. University of Manchester Magnetic Resonance Imaging Facility.