Dr Nicola Lyle, Consultant Radiologist


Specialist interests

Musculoskeletal Radiology

Experienced in a wide range of musculoskeletal ultrasound techniques.

Provide therapeutic joint and soft tissue injections using ultrasound or X-ray guidance.

Specialist Musculoskeletal MRI including MRI Arthrograms.

Expertise in imaging in Rheumatological disorders.

Head and Neck

Experienced in the investigation and staging of head and neck cancer.

Specialist interest in Head and Neck ultrasound and performing ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration cytology for neck and thyroid lumps.

Provide a service in conjunction with the ENT clinic for same day ultrasound and FNA of neck lumps.


Other Roles

Mentoring of Reporting Radiographers.


Additional information and comments

Fellow of the Royal College of Radiology

Member of the Radiological Society of North America.

Member of the British Society of Head and Neck Imaging