Being completely smokefree means a more pleasant and safe environment for everyone who uses or works in our hospitals and it is a step we have taken as part of our commitment to improving the health and wellbeing of our staff, patients and visitors.

It protects people, particularly vulnerable patients such as newborn babies and people with respiratory problems, from the harmful effects of second-hand smoke on the way into and out of our hospitals.

Our policy supports a commitment to smokefree sites made in the NHS Five Year Forward View and is something that Public Health England also endorses. Smoking costs the NHS an estimated £2billion a year, but the cost to society could be as much as £13.8billion each year. It also causes almost 80,000 premature deaths every year, and contributes to 1.7million hospital admissions.

As a major employer and provider of hospital services to people across Hampshire, we have a responsibility to help reduce smoking and, in turn, the serious illnesses related to it. 

We highly recommend the Smokefree Hampshire service for smokers who would like some help to give up. Visit for more information.

Vapes and e-cigarettes are allowed to be used in outdoor spaces, away from entrances and windows.

A patient who smokes increases their risk of anaesthetic complications and surgical site infections. Everyone knows about the general health risks associated with smoking, but not so many people know that stopping smoking for even just a week, or even a day or more, before surgery can reduce the risk of breathing problems and help the patient recover more quickly.

Our hospitals are non-smoking environments and smokers find it easier to adjust by stopping smoking before they come in for a planned treatment or operation. Stopping smoking is also proven to benefit health, lower the risk of complications and help speed-up recovery. 

Anyone who would like help to stop smoking can access the Smokefree Hampshire service by visiting, emailing or calling 01264 563039 or 0800 772 3649.

You can see a short film that highlights the risk of smoking "Emily's Story- Ask, Advise, Act".