Friends and Family Test
Your Experience Matters
We would like your feedback on the care and treatment you have received.
Children Services survey
Click here for the Children Services survey
Clinical Psychology
Click here for the Clinical Psychology survey.
Click here for the Maternity survey
Outpatients and Virtual Appointments
Click here for the Outpatients and Virtual Appointments survey
Cancer Services
Click here for the Cancer Services survey.
Hospice Care
Click here for the Hospice Care survey.
Inpatients and Day case
Click here to complete a survey on Inpatients
Emergency Department
Click here to complete a survey on the Emergency Department
Learning Disability
Click here for a survey on Learning Disability services.
Mental Health team
Click here for a survey on the Mental Health team
We want to hear from anyone using our service about the quality of care they have received.
Your feedback will give us a better understanding of your experience and will enable us to make improvements to our services.
We will invite you to answer one simple question: ‘Overall, how was your experience of our service?’ You will be able to select from the following responses:
You do not have to provide feedback. But if you do, your feedback will help us improve our service. You can provide feedback at any time you want to and as often as you like.
The questions will have a comments box for you to provide more information so that we can understand a little more about your response and more about your experience, including what we did well and where we can look to make improvements.
Your feedback will help us to learn more about the quality of our service. We want you to tell us what we are doing well – so we can do more of it, but it’s also important that you tell us what we can do better. We will use this information to make changes that will help us to offer a continually improving service.
The Friends and Family Test does not replace existing compliments or complaints procedure. If you have other feedback or concerns please talk to any of our staff or contact the customer care team by email: or telephone: 01256 486766
The statistical results are published monthly on both the NHS England and this website.
We will publish information about what people have told us locally, so you can access up to date information about your local services.
We share Individual comments with our staff so that we can understand more about patients’ experiences. This is part of the NHS commitment to be open and transparent and give patients in-depth information about health services.
Results are displayed within the hospitals and on each ward. Comments are also displayed where the patient has agreed to share them anonymously.
The Friends and Family results and feedback are used in combination with other sources of patient feedback to help us understand what we do well and where we can improve. We’ll use your feedback to make changes that will help us to improve your experience of care.
We may use your phone number to ask you the NHS Friends and Family Test question so that you can tell us what’s working well and what we could improve.
Your feedback is anonymous and FREE and will be used to improve our service.
Want to opt out?
If you do not want to receive a message from us, please let the Customer Care Team know via email or telephone 01256 486766. The Customer Care Team will ensure your details are updated.
You can also respond to the Friends and Family test question by asking staff for a postcard to fill in or via the on line survey.