Specialty Child health
Location G Floor, Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital
Clinical matron Asma Abbass
Sister / Charge nurse TBA
Visiting hours

8am to 12 midnight Mon-Fri

10am to 6pm Sat, Sun and Bank Holidays

Charlies Day Unit (CDU) is a children’s day assessment and observation unit within the paediatric area on G floor. The CDU accommodates acutely ill babies, children and young people, referred predominantly by their GP, Emergency Department, Health visitors, Community Children's Nurse, open access patients and other specialities as well as Consultant Paediatricians via their clinic.

CDU aims to minimise time spent in hospital and the number of children admitted to the ward, by providing a rapid access to assessment, observation and appropriate management by clinicians and staff  with paediatric expertise. 

After a period of observation, if the child requires ongoing treatment in hospital he / she will be transferred from CDU to an inpatient bed on G2, the paediatric ward.  If the child is medically fit to be discharged they may be given a period of open access, 24-72hours. This enables them to receive additional support from the children’s community nursing team and direct access to CDU.

CDU provides the following services for children:

  • Blood Clinics
  • MRI’s under sedation
  • Allergy challenges (Food, medication etc)
  • Prolonged Jaundice Clinics
  • Acute assessments
  • Oncology
  • Blood Transfusions
  • Immunisations
  • Day case investigations
  • Cannulation

We also have access to support services such as children’s community nurses, play specialists, dietitians, physiotherapy, and other specialities