Our service helps adults deal with psychological issues which are caused by, or contribute to, physical health problems. Should you need to contact our child health psychology team please click here
These include the cognitive/emotional/behavioural effects of neurological conditions, managing pain, anxiety, depression and other problems in coping with illness and disability
We provide services at Andover War Memorial Hospital (AWMH), Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital (BNHH), Royal Hampshire County Hospital (RHCH), and Alton Community Hospital. Our hub is at RHCH.
Clinical Psychologists in the Trust are currently funded to provide services in the following areas:
- Neuropsychology & Neuro-Rehabilitation: inpatient and outpatient work for acquired neurological conditions
- Chronic Pain: a flexible self-management pathway including a one-to-one and group-based pain management programme
- Diabetes Self-Management Support
- Haemophilia
- Early Supported Discharge (ESD) - for stroke rehabilitation
- Critical care and
- Pseudomyxoma Peritonei
- Psycho-oncology
Adult Clinical Health Psychologists in HHFT:
- Dr Ben Papps, Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist and Head of Clinical Health Psychology Service
- Dr Nancy Vanderpuye, Consultant Clinical Psychologist (Cancer Care and Peritoneal Malignancy)
- Dr Carolyn Harmer, Principal Clinical Psychology (Pain)
- Mr Niall Anderson, MacMillan Principle Psycho-Oncology Psychologist
- Dr Bhandal, Clinical Psychologist ( Diabetes/ Pain)
- Dr Emma Ferguson, Clinical Psychologist in Neuropsychology
- Dr Philippa Beckwith, Clinical Neuropsychologist
- Dr Sarah Whitaker, Clinical Psychologist (Haemophilia)
- Dr Laura Flower, Clinical Psychologist (Haemophilia)
- Dr Eliza Tucker, Clinical Psychologist (Palliative Care)
- Mr Miles Newman, Assistant Psychologist
Other staff include visiting professionals and trainee clinical psychologists (those on the Clinical Psychology clinical doctorate course at Southampton University).
Accessing clinical health psychology services differs according to the different clinical areas where we work. Please click on 'Related Links' below for specific referral information. Please note, in most services (with the exception of neuropsychology), direct referral to clinical health psychology is not possible and requires medical consultant-led assessment in the first instance