All treatments have, at some time, been the subject of research and every year thousands of people agree to become participants in research studies, contributing to these advances in healthcare.

At Hampshrie Hospitals, the research staff are part of the clinical care team. This means that a member of our clinical trials team may ask you about participating in research.

We also offer opportunities to take part in multi-centre research projects across many specialities, and support our clinicians to develop and lead their own research projects. 

The first thing to know is that researched is strictly regulated. The Department of Health guidance in place to make sure that all research is run to the highest standards and this is the UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research

At Hampshire Hospitals, the Research Department leads the management of the regulatory process, ensuring that every research study has permissions and regulatory approvals in place - including review by an independent research ethics committee – before it starts. 

The Research Department ensures that all permissions have been granted before a study opens at this site, and that it is appropriate to conduct the research within our Trust.

If you are a patient, you may be asked to take part in a research study. Research involvement varies:  you may only be asked to complete a questionnaire, or to have blood tests, or to take medication. 

Whatever your level of involvement, your participation is always voluntary and you are able to withdraw from a research study at any time, without giving a reason, and without it affecting your normal treatment.

For more information and for independent advice about being involved in a research study you can contact the Customer Care Service on 01256 486766 or at


One of the strongest motives people give for getting involved in research is to work with researchers to help bring about improvements to health and to improve existing services and treatments. Other reasons include:

  • Personal knowledge and experience which you would like research(er/s) to take into account
  • A chance to give something back and help influence research to benefit others.
  • To learn more about your condition and gain experience and confidence through working with others.

We are looking for a range of people, from different backgrounds, to help shape our research. We sometimes need patients with specific health conditions and experiences, but we are also keen to hear from members of the public with a general interest in health research.

Public and patient contributors can be involved in a range of activities, before, during and after a research study, for example:

  • Identifying and prioritising research topics
  • Being part of research advisory groups and steering groups
  • Undertaking research projects
  • Reporting and communicating research findings

If you have any questions or would like more information about Patient and Public Involvement, please contact us by emailing

Research is undertaken on a voluntary basis.